Quiet quitting is rising in the workplace as employees become more disengaged and dissatisfied with their jobs. Those employees that do the bare minimum required and put in little to no effort are behind the trend of these so-called "quiet quitters." But this is not a new problem; it is simply a new name for an old one - disengaged employees.
In this post, I'll explore what quiet quitting means to the workforce, why it's happening more frequently, and how employers can improve employee engagement while aiming to reduce quiet quitting.
Why Are Employees Doing It?
The first step to solving a problem is understanding why it's happening. There are many reasons why employees may become disengaged and dissatisfied with their jobs. A few common ones are:
feeling like their work is not meaningful or impactful: employees that don't feel like their work matters are more likely to become disengaged and start quiet quitting. To keep employees engaged, it is essential that they feel like their work is valuable and makes a difference.
feeling like they're not valued or appreciated: another common reason for quiet quitting is when employees feel undervalued or unappreciated. If employees don't feel like their contributions are recognised or appreciated, they will be less likely to care about their work and more likely to disengage.
being overworked and/or underpaid: when employees are overworked, they can quickly become burned out and start quiet quitting. Similarly, if employees feel like they're not being paid enough for their work, they may start looking for other opportunities.
having a bad manager or working in a toxic environment: If employees feel like their managers contribute to negativity and toxicity, they will be more likely to become uninterested in their work actions.
What Is The Impact Of Quiet Quitting?
While it may seem like quiet quitting is not a big deal, it significantly impacts businesses. When employees are disengaged and not putting in their best effort, it leads to many of the following problems.
Lower Quality Work
The most significant impact of quiet quitting is lower quality work. When employees are disengaged, they're less likely to care about the quality of their work. This can lead to increased mistakes and a general decline in the quality of work.
Missed Deadlines
When employees start quiet quitting, they're also less likely to meet deadlines. This is because they're not putting in the same effort as before and are not as focused on their work. As a result, businesses may miss deadlines, impacting their bottom line.
Lower Morale For Other Employees
Quiet quitting can also lower the morale of other employees. Employees who are still engaged and doing their best may feel like they're not being appreciated or valued in relation to the quality and quantity of work they’re doing. As a result, they may feel disengaged, leading to a decline in morale. This is especially important when building hybrid teams as it can impact not only the in-office workers but also the remote employees.
High Staff Turnover
Finally, quiet quitting can also lead to more staff turnover. Employees who are disengaged and unhappy with their jobs are more likely to look for other opportunities. As a result, businesses may see an increase in turnover, which can impact their bottom line. When employees start thinking about quitting their position, they often do not give sufficient notice or offer any explanation for their departure. This can leave managers and teammates scrambling to figure out what happened and how to fill the void.
Solutions To Address Quiet Quitting
Knowing what the problem and consequences are, the next question to address is that of potential solutions. There are a few key things that businesses can do in this regard:
Provide more opportunities for professional development: employees are more likely to become disengaged when they feel like they're stuck in a rut. By providing opportunities for professional development, you can help employees feel like they're growing and progressing in their careers.
Increase communication and feedback: another way to address quiet quitting is by increasing communication and feedback. By ensuring that employees are kept in the loop and receive regular feedback, you can help them feel valued and appreciated. When employees feel like they're in the dark, they're more likely to become disengaged, which also affects employee retention.
Foster a culture of inclusion and belonging: finally, one of the best ways to address quiet quitting is by fostering a culture of inclusion and belonging. When employees feel like they're part of a team and belong, they're more likely to be engaged and less likely to quit.
By focusing on these critical areas, businesses can help reduce the incidence of quiet quitting and improve employee engagement.
The Role Of Diversity And Inclusion In Reducing Quit Rates
A study recently reported that 70% of workers consider quitting their job when they see their colleagues leave their posts. To that extent, inclusion and diversity can significantly reduce quiet quit rates.
These two factors are essential for several reasons. First, when employees feel like they're part of a team and belong, they're more likely to be engaged and less likely to quit. Second, a diverse workforce provides different perspectives and ideas, leading to better decision-making and improved business outcomes. Finally, inclusive workplaces are more fun and enjoyable to work in!
By focusing on diversity and inclusion, businesses can help reduce the incidence of quiet quitting and create a more engaged workforce.
The Role Of The Organisation Culture In Terms Of Quiet Quitting Rates

The final piece of the puzzle is organisational culture. This is all about how your business operates on a day-to-day basis. Do you have a culture of respect and appreciation? Do employees feel like they can be themselves at work? Do they feel like their voices are heard?
When businesses have a positive organisational culture, employees are more likely to be engaged and less likely to quit. A positive corporate culture can also attract top talent and help businesses retain their best employees.
Wrap Up
Quiet quitting is a severe problem that can hurt companies from the moment it starts happening. However, there are steps that businesses can take to address the issue. By focusing on the areas of diversity and inclusion, engaged teams, and organisational culture, companies can create an environment that is more conducive to employee engagement, which can help reduce the incidence of quiet quitting and improve the general workplace from the ground up.
If you're unsure how to build a diverse and inclusion strategy that focuses on the key areas of engagement, teams, and culture, (or simply want to learn more about how to do so), get in touch with us today. We would be happy to help you create a plan that will work for your business.
And remember: the first step to addressing quiet quitting is acknowledging that it's a problem. Only then can you begin to take steps to solve it.